3 Air Pollutants That Destroy Your Health

by | Jun 21, 2013 | Health | 0 comments

If you’re trying to do what you can to improve your current health status and move towards a more ideal body weight, you’re likely watching all the foods you’re putting into your mouth as well as how much you’re exercising on a day to day basis.

But, are you even aware of the potential air pollutants that you may be breathing in on a day to day basis?

Most people don’t even think about air pollution but in reality, it can be severe threat to your health.

Let’s take a quick look at the top three air pollutants that you need to know about.

Sulfur Dioxide

Sulfur Dioxide

This is a gas that is going to be formed whenever sulfur is exposed to oxygen at very high temperatures, such as during the oil refining process.

The actual gas emission here is not typically the main concern however. The big concern comes when it mixes with rain, causing acid rain to occur.  Then it’ll fall to the ground or form sulfate aerosol particles in the atmosphere.

The biggest health implications for these pollutants include increased rates of respiratory disease as well as emphysema and bronchitis.  In severe cases, it can also cause much more aggregation to those who are currently suffering from heart disease and be fatal.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide is the second of the main pollutants that you need to be very concerned about and is an odorless gas that is emitted during the combustion process.

It’s produced in much higher quantities in heavy urban areas due to greater automobile traffic and this is where it can start to build up to more toxic levels.

The problem with it is that as concentrations of carbon monoxide rise in the air we’re breathing, this means that our organs such as the heart and brain may not get the oxygen they need.

If this becomes severe enough, it too can cause death to occur.

In addition to this, high levels can also cause chest pain and discomfort during exercise.

Particulate Matter

Particulate Matter

Finally, one pollutant that many people don’t even consider is particulate matter, which is a mixture of a number of very small particles that are floating throughout the environment.

This can be composed of acids, organic chemicals, metals, as well as soil or dust, and have a number of health consequences.

If you’re breathing in a higher level of these, it can go on to cause impacts on the throat and nose as well as if taken in with higher concentrations, problems with the heart and lungs.

So make sure that you are not overlooking the problem of pollution.  While eating right and exercising is important to sustain good health, so is knowing the environment you’re living in.




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