Eat your way to better brain health with this fast, easy Savory Salmon Rosti recipe. Salmon is packed with omega-3s — a nutrient that’s essential for brain health. This recipe — based on a traditional Swiss potato pancake — is packed with...
Beat the heat with this cool, sweet treat! Hydrating with this delicious watermelon detox water will help flush toxins out of your body. Watermelon is a detox champ because it’s loaded with the organic compound citrulline, an amino acid that helps the liver and...
Fatigue. Brain fog. Anxiety. These are just a few common symptoms that your body could be clogged with harmful toxins. Dr. Mark Hyman recently said, “Problems with detoxification form one root of illness. If you feel lousy, it’s likely you’re toxic.” If...
A classic Mexican dish, “ranch eggs” are great for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or any time you crave a savory, mouth-watering meal! We’ve altered this recipe slightly from traditional huevos rancheros recipes to make it healthier but just as delicious...
Chocolate lovers rejoice! This Mexican Chocolate Smoothie tastes like a rich, creamy indulgence but it’s actually good for you. The unsweetened cocoa gives it a decadent chocolate flavor while giving your body a boost of powerful antioxidants at the same time....
Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to give up snacks. How awful would that be, right? Next time you want to curl up with a movie or your Netflix queue, why not whip up a batch of our Sweet ‘n Spicy Popcorn? It’s a delicious treat you’ll want...