How can YOU know that your body is optimally working to protect you against illness and disease?
Making sure you have a healthy liver is the first step in answering that question!
So, what’s really going on inside your body in its fight to keep you healthy?
When it comes to health, your body is a veritable powerhouse of healing.
But, generally, it’s only during any society-dubbed “sick” season that you’ll hear about the immune system and your body’s defenses against illness.
The thing is, your body doesn’t take a break. It doesn’t recognize seasons of sickness and wellness in terms of society. When healthy, it just does its job, day in and day out.
However, as you age, it becomes increasingly necessary to take an active role in making sure your body, and in this case, your liver, has all it needs to perform at its best.
Your body has many defense mechanisms in place to deal with invading germs… germs that we encounter everywhere!
When it comes to germs that enter your body through the digestive tract, through the foods you eat, your liver is the front line of defense!
By design, your liver is a special ops force. It stands guard within your body to detect harmful invaders like viruses and bacteria.
Your liver works to rid your body of these threats, when detected, by deploying it’s immune cells to attack invading pathogens (germs).
But, as you age, your body loses its ability to keep a healthy balance of its inner workings, making it more susceptible to damage, disease, and overall dysfunction.
A healthy liver is KEY to maintaining a healthy immune system and thus a forceful, effective fight against invading pathogens to keep your body free of illness and infection.
Take a look at how a healthy liver works FOR you…
How Liver Health Boosts Your Immune System
1- Red Cell Breakdown
Your liver houses cells that have very specific and important tasks concerning the health of your immune system.
Within your liver, there are cells tasked essentially with recycling. Their job is to break down used red blood cells so that new ones can take needed oxygen to your body’s tissues.
Simply put, without oxygen, your cells and tissues die.
The immune cells that deploy to attack invading pathogens and thus keep you healthy could not function without the work of a healthy liver in this way.
2- Killer Cell Production
When your body encounters a pathogen, it begins a process which involves sending out special cells to attack that invading threat.
In mounting this attack, those cells multiply to form an army against these germs.
Once the attack is successfully completed, that army of cells is no longer needed. If not removed, the extra presence of these kinds of cells can create an imbalance in your immune system.
A healthy liver produces “killer cells” whose job is to get rid of those cells that have served their purpose in fighting against foreign invading pathogens.
Without this needed liver function, there would be an imbalance within your immune system.
3- Antigen Recognition
When a germ enters your body, there needs to be an ID check system to let your body know that there are invaders that need to be eliminated.
Your liver is responsible for making what are called “antigen-presenting cells,” a certain type of cell that helps your immune system detect such invaders (germs).
When your liver is damaged or isn’t functioning optimally, the production of these cells is diminished, thus disrupting your immune system’s ability to detect invading germs.
4- Antigen-Presenting Cell Transportation
Your liver houses passages that carry those antigen-presenting cells that we just talked about.
These passages are used for carrying blood, and as blood is carried through these channels, those antigen-presenting cells are taken to your immune system’s “T cells.”
T cells are those responsible for destroying germs that enter your body with the intent of making you sick.
In order for T cells to destroy invading germs, as we mentioned a few points earlier, they need to multiply (essentially creating an army of germ destroyers). In order for them to do this, they need those antigen-presenting cells to be able to make copies of themselves.
Without a healthy liver, the transport of these cells is inhibited, thus making your immune system unable to create that army of infection fighters needed to keep you well.
5- Lymphoid Immune Cells
Your body not only produces cells that attack invading germs, it also comes naturally equipped with germ fighters as well.
There are two types of cells that work within your immune system to fight off infection: innate and acquired.
Your innate cells are the first ones to jump into action against pathogens that invade healthy cells within your body. A large number of these cells are housed in your liver.
A healthy liver means a healthy force of innate immune cells to fight off infection.
6- Detoxification in Blood
One main job of the liver is to detox your body. One way it accomplishes this detoxification is by acting as a filter for toxins in your blood.
Your immune system engages in battle against invading pathogens directly in that playing field…the blood.
The innate and acquired infection-fighting immune cells that we mentioned earlier, along with antibodies, rely on the liver’s detoxifying abilities for a healthy environment in which to wage this battle against infection.
The removal of toxins, or essentially poisons, by a healthy functioning liver, is necessary for proper immune responses.
7- Detoxification In The Digestive Tract
Everything you consume (food and drink) goes through your digestive tract. As these things get processed, your liver works to remove any toxic substances to keep your gut healthy.
Gut health plays a big role in keeping your immune system balanced. Without the detoxifying functions of the liver, your gut would be overrun with “bad bacteria.”
A disruption in the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut can lead to an imbalance in immune homeostasis. In other words, your immune cells become imbalanced and dysfunctional and will no longer work correctly.
A properly functioning liver keeps your gut health in check, thus promoting balance in immune cells and their responses.
8- Metabolism Affects Immune Cells
A hormone called leptin is widely known for its role in appetite suppression and increases in energy. But, it also communicates to your immune system in alerting it of the status of energy within the body.
Cells in your liver work to break down fats and actually produce energy.
A healthy, fully functioning liver is crucial for accurate leptin signaling to the immune system.
A disruption here means that your innate and acquired immune responses will not be appropriately activated to fight invading pathogens.
9- Blood Sugar Levels Affect Immunity
During digestion, your body transforms carbohydrates from the foods you eat into glucose.
It is the job of your healthy liver to remove excess levels of glucose from your blood.
High blood sugar levels are known to weaken the immune system’s response to disease and infection.
And, the effects of high blood sugar levels, such as decreased blood flow and even nerve damage, can actually make you more susceptible to infection.
10- Glutathione Production
Glutathione is a natural antioxidant produced within your liver.
As you age, something called oxidative stress happens within your body which causes damage and even death to your cells.
Glutathione helps reduce cellular damage and death and enhances T cells in aiding your body to fight against viral and bacterial infections.
These levels can unfortunately reduce with age, making it even more essential for you to facilitate a healthy liver to ensure proper glutathione production to keep your immune responses active and uninterrupted.
What Happens To Your Liver And Immune System As You Age
As you age, both the size of your liver and the amount of blood flow it channels decreases.
This can hinder the liver’s ability to aid in:
- detoxification
- metabolism support
- combating infection
When your body loses its ability to properly filter toxins you can become immunodeficient, meaning that your body can no longer adequately fight infection.
Since your liver is both responsible for filtering toxins and houses a large part of your body’s natural immune cells, the natural effects of aging can put your liver and thus your immune system in a position of need.
Enter LivLean…
LivLean addresses the unavoidable needs of an aging liver and immune system.
Since the effectiveness of your immune system can be directly related to the health of your liver, you can count on LivLean as it:
- Helps support your body’s ability to generate liver cells
- Improves liver function
- Supports blood sugar levels and regulation
- Boosts metabolism
- Keeps cell overgrowth at bay
- Supports healthy immune responses
By addressing these common struggles associated with a decrease in liver function that comes with age, you can give your liver, and thus your immune system an edge against damage, dysfunction, and disease.
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