How to Choose the Best Probiotic for Constipation

by | Digestive Health | 2 comments

The best probiotic for constipation. There’s a war going on within the warm, moist ecosystem of our bodies.

Like armies on the battlefield, microorganisms compete to rule over our gastrointestinal territory. In this never-ending battle of good vs. evil, the winner depends on whether there is more of friendly bacteria (probiotics) or unfriendly bacteria (a bad fish taco).

Probiotics are responsible for all kinds of benefits, including gentle digestion, clearer skin, stronger immunity, and improved overall health. But if you’re looking to use the best probiotic for constipation, it’s important to choose the right supplements to get the results you want.

So let’s take a closer look at the effects of probiotics, the differences between these supplements, and how to choose right the best probiotic for constipation.

What Are Probiotics and How Do They Help Us?

Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that should be in our gut. Our body is full of bacteria, both good and bad, and probiotics are the helpful bacteria we want to keep around.

They help us in a way that’s vastly different from any other food or nutrient. They’ve been known to increase immune function, produce certain vitamins for us to absorb and utilize, and initiate the production of beneficial hormones.

Probiotics also help us by replacing the good bacteria we’ve lost, after taking antibiotics, for example. Antibiotics kill bacteria, regardless of whether they’re good or bad, but probiotics balance out the bacteria and keep our gut working the way it should.

Our body is full of bacteria, both good and bad, and probiotics are the helpful bacteria we want to keep around.

What Are the Different Forms of Probiotics?

One of the most common forms of oral probiotic supplementation is yogurt. Along with supporting digestive health, yogurt has a number of other health benefits, making it a great option if you want to add more probiotics to your diet.

Other foods that are rich in probiotics include kefir, another dairy product, kombucha, and fermented foods such as kimchi and natto.

These helpful little microorganisms can also be freeze-dried, packed into capsules, and taken orally. Or, depending on your preference, they can be packaged in liquid form or taken as a suppository.

Will Probiotics Help With Constipation?

Certain strains of friendly bacteria do wonders for constipation in people of all ages. These strains of good bacteria not only fight off the bad bacteria that slow movement in our bowels, but they also help to break down the food we eat to allow for much smoother passage and elimination.

For those reasons, many people wonder if they should just take a select, singled-out strain of good bacteria, or if they should take multiple strains in a combination?

I suggest you take the whole, rather than the part. This is due to the synergistic effects that the “groups” of bacteria have when working together.

For example, Bifidobacterium bifidum aids in nutrient absorption and digestion of food, as well as its rod-shaped cousin Lactobacillus helveticus. Whereas Pediococcus acidilactici, for example, does wonders for boosting the immune system and regulating the overpopulation of harmful microflora in certain regions of the gut.

So the advantage comes in supplementing with the whole crew, not just one of its members. (That’s why our Vive Biotics supplement includes so many ingredients!)

How to Choose the Best Probiotic for Constipation

Which probiotic is best for your digestive health? Here are two important traits we suggest you look for in a probiotic.

Live Cultures

Common sense tells us that no matter how amazing and beneficial this friendly bacteria is to our alimentary canal, it does us absolutely no good if its dead. This why live cultures are the product of choice.

If you reconstituted some of your favorite strains of good bacteria, placed them on a petri dish, and they didn’t grow, they’d be pretty much worthless. Of course, that’s probably not how you choose to spend your spare time, but that is how we test our probiotics.

Liquid Form

A low pH environment (such as gastric juices) can also destroy bacteria. It’s critical that supplemental probiotics are protected from this harsh environment, which is why a liquid probiotic with a buffering system is ideal for maximum bioavailability. The protection comes from the reduced exposure to light, heat, and oxygen.

Additionally, bacteria can be destroyed during the lyophilization (freeze-drying) process. This is why the absorption and distribution rate of liquid probiotic formulas is often far greater than that of their freeze-dried counterparts.

The Best Probiotics for Your Digestive Health

So, if you want the absolute maximum health benefits from probiotics, which products should you choose?

Instead of having numerous bottles and spending tons of money, why not get one product that works for everything? Vive Biotics is a breakthrough formula that gives you the proven digestive, immunity, and health benefits of laboratory-grade probiotics in just 30 seconds a day.

With 15 different strains of bacteria (including some that were actually trained for seven generations to seek out and destroy bad bacteria!) Vive Biotics will give your immune system a powerful boost against illness and disease. Learn more here.

Improve Your Digestive Health NOW!

Do you suffer from gas and bloating? Are you always exhausted and craving carbs?

Vive Biotics is a a powerful formula of 15 unique probiotics strains that helps promote better digestive health and restore the level of healthy bacteria in your gut. Vive Biotics…

  • Inhibits Growth of Bad Bacteria
  • Helps Repair Intestinal Damage Caused by Gluten
  • Aids the Breakdown & Removal of Harmful Toxins
  • Helps Stop Bloating, Supports Better Digestion
  • Contains 15 Extremely Unique Probiotic Strains



  1. Deokarran Roy Ramharrack

    I took too much magnesia and wet to the toilet 12 times. And every time the stool was black like internal bleeding but it was not that. From then on my digestion was out.

    I got burning stomach and I could not not eat a little without stomach burning.

    Which of your products is best for me right now?

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hello Deokarran,
      Have you spoken with your primary care doctor about this issues? To help with the burning stomach I would suggest taking Vive Biotics to help repair any damage. Again I would suggest you speak to your primary doctor before starting any new supplements!


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