Experts Agree: Sugar Is As Addictive As Cocaine

by | Health | 1 comment

Sugar is a $97 billion dollar per year industry.

And the fat cats getting RICH off sugar, living in mansions and driving around in luxury cars, don’t want you to watch the trailer below.

That’s because this trailer — for the 2014 documentary FED UP — pulls the curtain back on the terrifying truth about what sugar is really doing to your health.

See for yourself:

FED UP – Official Trailer

FED UP is currently available on Netflix.

If you don’t have access to Netflix, check your local library. It’s likely they’ll have a copy in stock. If not, you can request that they order one.

Whatever you do, though, make sure you watch this remarkable — and utterly EYE-OPENING — documentary.

It will transform the way you look at food in America. And it could be one of the best things you do for your health all year.

Your turn: Have you watched FED UP? What did you think?

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  1. Janice Rusmisell

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    Many thanks,



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