Weight Loss Articles
How Much Poop Is Trapped In Your Body?
How much waste (poop) is in the human body at any given time? Much more than you probably think. Depending on your height, age, and diet you could...
Livlean Part 2
Magnesium And Food: Why Eating Healthy Isn’t Enough
According to Dr. Jerry Aikawa of the University of Colorado: “Magnesium is the most important mineral to humans and all living things.” Magnesium is...
Livlean Part 1
How To Use A Food Journal To DOUBLE Weight Loss
How would you like to DOUBLE your weight loss results with a dead-simple strategy that takes just minutes a day? Sounds too good to be true, right?...
How Richard B. Shed 70 Pounds In 10 Months
Shed 70 Pounds In 10 Months. One of the things I love most about Perfect Origins is hearing from our clients. When a client shares a success story...
How To Rebalance Your Hormones For Faster Fat Loss
Being overweight is not just about diet and exercise. For tens of millions of us, the problem is hormones that are out of balance. A growing body of...
Weight Loss Secret For The Over-40 Crowd
Weight Loss Secret. If you’re over 40 years old and struggle to lose weight, consider these Gallup poll statistics: Half of Americans want to lose...
Chronic Inflammation: What It Is And How To Stop It
What do obesity, cancer, heart disease, dementia, stroke, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), joint pain and many of the most feared illnesses...
Why You Might Be Magnesium Deficient (And What To Do About It)
Magnesium is a mineral used by all of your organs, especially your heart, muscles, and kidneys. Anything that's tight and achy -- from cramped legs...
5 Ways to Speed Up Your Weight Loss
Has your weight loss stalled? When it comes to shedding pounds, diet and exercise don’t always work. According to a Gallup poll, over half of all...
16 Anti-Aging Secrets
Here’s what aging in America looks like right now: Between 2003 and 2013 the U.S. population age 60 and over increased 30.7% from 48.1 million to...
7 Natural Ways to Relieve Constipation
It happens to all of us: You're not “going” as often as you'd like and it's got you stressed, depressed and feeling a mess! It's a common problem...
Top 5 Toxic Foods You Must Avoid At All Costs
In a perfect world we wouldn't have to worry about the foods we eat. Imagine: Eating whatever you like without putting on unwanted pounds or harming...
4 Simple Tips To Cleanse Your Colon
In order to optimize your health, one thing that you need to be doing is making sure that you are regularly cleansing your colon. Your colon will...