
Why You Might Be Magnesium Deficient (And What To Do About It)

by | Weight Loss | 44 comments

Magnesium is a mineral used by all of your organs, especially your heart, muscles, and kidneys.

Anything that’s tight and achy — from cramped legs to tension headaches — can benefit from magnesium.

If you suffer from cramps, migraines, unexplained fatigue or weakness, abnormal heartbeat, or muscle spasms, a magnesium deficiency could be to blame.

And as you’ll soon see, magnesium deficiency is incredibly common.

In this must-read article you’ll discover:

  • The miracle mineral. Suzy Cohen R.Ph, known as “America’s Most Trusted Pharmacist”, claims magnesium is so important “Without enough of it in your system, you will suffer more disease in your lifetime and die sooner than if you had normal, healthy levels.” (Yet, shockingly, 80% of Americans are deficient!)
  • No luck with NSAIDs like Advil or ibuprofen for muscle cramps and chronic pain? Find out how magnesium can deliver freedom from pain so you can get back to your life!
  • The amazing migraine cure. Not only does magnesium stop migraines, but it keeps them from coming back!
  • The easiest way to protect yourself from gallstones. Just a daily dose of magnesium is all it takes.
  • Bounce back from major depression. Studies suggest magnesium works better than drugs, and has fewer side effects, too.
  • A natural bone builder that really works. Better than calcium? Research shows how magnesium can slow and even reverse the effects of osteoporosis in as little as 30 days!
  • Live a longer, healthier life. Researchers at the University of Southern California were amazed to find that a magnesium deficiency makes you twice as likely to die.

We’re going to cover A LOT of exciting information in today’s article. And if I’m right, you’re going to love everything you hear today more than you can possibly imagine…

This Miracle Mineral Is The Missing Link To Better Health


Magnesium is the eighth most abundant mineral on earth.

The third most abundant mineral in seawater.

And, most importantly, the fourth most abundant mineral found in the human body.

And it can work absolute miracles for your health.

In fact, it’s arguably the most important mineral for your health.

Magnesium has been proven to help:

  • Treat and prevent muscle cramps
  • Relieve premenstrual migraines, irritability, low mood, cramps and other symptoms of PMS
  • Prevent the formation of gallstones in men
  • Offer rapid recovery from major depression
  • Soothe fibromyalgia and chronic pain
  • Improve heart health and lower risk of heart disease
  • Contribute to a longer, healthier life

And that’s just for starters!



Magnesium was recently identified to have 3,751 binding sites on human proteins [1] and is a cofactor (think of it like a “helper molecule”) in more than 300 biochemical functions of your body including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. [2]

Magnesium helps transport calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, a process that is essential to nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and a regular, healthy heartbeat. [3]

Magnesium plays a role in healthy bone development. It’s also required for the synthesis of RNA and DNA, as well as glutathione, your body’s most powerful antioxidant.

It’s not a stretch to say magnesium is an all-star player in your overall health. It truly is a MIRACLE mineral!

Suzy Cohen R.Ph, known as “America’s Most Trusted Pharmacist”, had this to say about magnesium in a recent article:

“I feel that magnesium is so important that without enough of it in your system, you will suffer more disease in your lifetime and die sooner than if you had normal, healthy levels.” [4]

When you begin to explore all of the incredible ways magnesium impacts your health (the list above only scratches the surface) it’s little wonder that research relevant to magnesium has been accumulating for the past four decades at a rate of approximately 2,000 new studies per year.


We’ll look in greater detail at the amazing health benefits of magnesium in just a moment.

But first, I need to bring something that is, frankly, more than a little scary to your attention:

As Many As 8 in 10 Americans Suffer From Magnesium Deficiency

According to a report published in the Journal of Nutrition, an estimated 68 to 80 percent of Americans are magnesium deficient. [5]

This is a relatively recent problem. And it’s a much bigger problem than most people, including many physicians, realize.

Just 60 years ago, you would have received all the magnesium you need from the foods you eat. Sadly, that’s no longer the case – even if you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

You’ll see why later in this article.

Right now, I need you to pay especially close attention to the next few paragraphs you’re going to read. You see, magnesium deficiency plays a central role in a host of painful and even deadly health problems.

In fact, studies have linked as many as 8 million deaths from sudden cardiac failure in the United States between the years 1940 and 1994 to magnesium deficiency. [6, 7]

Today, the overwhelming majority of Americans are dangerously deficient in this important mineral and most of them don’t even realize it.

Here’s how to tell if you might suffer from magnesium deficiency.

15 Symptoms That May Indicate Magnesium Deficiency.
Are You At Risk?

Many people may be magnesium deficient and not even realize it. But there are key symptoms to watch for that could indicate you’re at risk.


Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND, a leading magnesium expert and author of the best-selling book The Magnesium Miracle, lists 66 different symptoms of magnesium deficiency in her book.

Some of the most widespread symptoms include:

  1. Muscle cramps, spasms, and twitching
  2. Anxiety, depression, or restlessness
  3. Headaches
  4. Food cravings (especially for chocolate, carbohydrates, salt, and junk food)
  5. Constipation and/or diarrhea
  6. Insomnia
  7. Irritability
  8. Bad short-term memory
  9. Back pain
  10. Heart “flutters” or arrhythmia
  11. Back pain
  12. Difficulty concentrating or “brain fog”
  13. Fatigue or unusual tiredness
  14. Numbness in hands or feet
  15. High levels of stress

If you suffer from any of the above symptoms and especially if you suffer from three or more, a magnesium deficiency could be to blame.

What Causes Magnesium Deficiency?

Probably the biggest reason for our modern magnesium deficiency epidemic is the Standard American Diet.

Most folks eat a diet that contains practically no magnesium: think highly processed, refined foods made from meat, dairy, and white flour (all of which have low to no magnesium).


“Ah ha”, you say. “But I wolf down lots of fruits and veggies! So I probably get plenty of magnesium in my diet, right?”


Although it’s true that magnesium naturally occurs in dark leafy greens like spinach and Swiss chard, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, the sad truth is, that the foods we eat today aren’t nearly as healthful as they once were.

A 2011 article in the magazine Scientific American states:

“…fruits and vegetables grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us get today. The main culprit in this disturbing nutritional trend is soil depletion: Modern intensive agricultural methods have stripped increasing amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the foods we eat grow. Sadly, each successive generation of fast-growing, pest-resistant carrot is truly less good for you than the one before.” [8]

Does that mean you should give up cabbage and cauliflower and go for candy bars and cake instead? No, of course not.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential to your good health. But, you should know that chances are good the fruits and veggies you eat don’t supply the level of nutrition Nature intended.

And that could put you at risk for magnesium deficiency.

Additional factors that contribute to magnesium deficiency include:


  • Drinking cola – Your typical 12-ounce can of cola is dripping with a chemical called phosphoric acid. A clear, odorless, colorless syrup, phosphoric acid gives your favorite cola its distinctive tangy flavor. It also robs your body of precious magnesium. You see, phosphoric acid contains phosphates, molecules that bind to magnesium, rendering it unusable by the body. [9]
  • Constant stress – When you’re under stress, be it physical or emotional in nature, your body’s need for magnesium increases. (Magnesium is a stress-relief mineral.) The problem is that in today’s hurried, hectic society most of us don’t experience periodic bouts of stress, we endure stress as a way of life. This constant stress drives our body’s magnesium supply down and sends our risk for magnesium deficiency soaring. [10]
  • Antibiotics and prescription drugs – Certain antibiotics, cholesterol medications, anti-anxiety drugs, and painkillers for arthritis contain fluoride (these are known as fluoroquinolone antibiotics and drugs – catchy name, right?) Magnesium binds to fluoride to create magnesium fluoride, which your body is very good at flushing out of its system.

When you consider how critical magnesium is to your good health, and given the fact that a truly alarming 80% of Americans are likely deficient in this important mineral, it’s only natural to ask:

“Why hasn’t my doctor told me anything about magnesium?”



Make no mistake: Your family doctor is likely very familiar with magnesium.

Because magnesium helps your body relax from head to toe (among other benefits) it’s regularly used in hospitals for constipation, heart arrhythmias, seizures, and contractions in pregnancy.

Unfortunately, many doctors forget about magnesium when they’re sitting across from you jotting down notes as you complain of muscle aches and pains, anxiety, migraines, insomnia, or fatigue.

And that’s not your doctor’s fault.

The fact is, accurately testing for magnesium deficiency is exceedingly difficult.

The most common method for checking magnesium levels is through blood work and a serum magnesium test.

Here’s the problem:

Your body contains an average of 25 grams of magnesium, with 50 to 60 percent present in your bones and the rest in soft tissues, especially the left ventricle of your heart. [11]

Less than 1% of total magnesium is in blood serum, and your body keeps these levels strictly regulated. In order for your heart to beat (and you to keep on living) your body has to maintain a steady amount of magnesium in the blood at all times.

Your body maintains this delicate balance by pulling magnesium from your bones and tissues whenever magnesium levels in your blood drop. For this reason, a blood test to determine magnesium deficiency isn’t particularly effective.

Your bones and tissues could be severely depleted of magnesium and the magnesium levels tested in your blood would do nothing to reveal that fact.

And while other tests do exist (including saliva and urine tests) none are perfect. In fact, accurately testing for magnesium deficiency is such a challenge experts agree that no single method is satisfactory. [12]

However, just because it’s difficult to test for magnesium deficiency doesn’t take away from the fact that this issue presents a real threat to the health of millions of Americans.

(A quick Google search for “magnesium deficiency pubmed” returns 108,000 peer-reviewed papers, clinical studies, and medical references.)

If you’re concerned about the risks magnesium deficiency poses to your health (and if you’ve read this far, then I believe you are concerned about the risks), it’s going to be up to you to take matters into your own hands to preserve your health.

This article will give you the health-saving information you need to do just that.

A Widespread But Woefully Under-reported Health Issue

According to the National Institutes of Health:

“Habitually low intakes of magnesium induce changes in biochemical pathways that can increase the risk of illness over time.”

With magnesium deficiency being such a widespread and under-reported health issue here in America, that quote from the National Institutes of Health is certainly cause for concern.

Although magnesium deficiency is likely involved in a wide range of health problems, for now let’s focus on four diseases and disorders in which magnesium plays a known role: high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, migraine headaches, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.

High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease


Because magnesium has a direct effect upon the relaxation capabilities of the cells of the heart, magnesium deficiency can directly and indirectly contribute to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. [13]

What’s interesting, though, is that in a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial [14] of eighty-two diabetic subjects between the ages of 40 and 75, magnesium supplementation was shown to significantly reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

So while a magnesium deficiency is bad for your heart health, strong evidence exists to suggest that supplementing your diet with additional magnesium may be one of the best things you can do for your heart.

Migraine headaches



Popular celebrity doctor Mark Hyman MD has said:

“Anything that is tight, irritable, crampy, and stiff – be it a body part or even a mood – is a sign of magnesium deficiency.” [15]

This is especially true when it comes to migraine headaches. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to factors that promote headaches, including neurotransmitter release and the tightening of blood vessels. [16]

In their evidence-based guideline update, the Quality Standards Subcommittee the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society cited magnesium as being as effective at preventing migraines as over-the-counter NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen. [17]

Type 2 diabetes



Magnesium deficiency is associated with insulin resistance and increased risk for type 2 diabetes in both adults and children. [18]

The good news it that a growing body of evidence strongly suggests that magnesium could be instrumental in the reduction of the risk of type 2 diabetes, probably thanks to magnesium’s role in sugar metabolism. [19]



Earlier in this report you learned that of the 25 grams of magnesium present in your body right now, as much as 60 percent of it can be found in your bones. Simply put, magnesium is essential to healthy, strong bones. [20]

Multiple population-based studies have linked magnesium intake to bone density in both men and women. [21] Additional research points to magnesium deficiency as a contributing factor in the development of osteoporosis. [22]

But it’s not all bad news! A recent study published in the journal Biology Trace Element Research demonstrated that taking a magnesium supplement for just 30 days was able to significantly slow the development of osteoporosis. [23]

Are you beginning to notice a trend?

While magnesium deficiency has been positively linked to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, migraines, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis, medical evidence proves that healthy levels of magnesium can protect you against these diseases and disorders!

And just wait until you see more of the evidence-based health benefits of this miracle mineral.

7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Magnesium

“I sometimes think about what supplements I might grab in a house fire, and magnesium is one of them.” – Dr. Kelly Brogan MD

No wonder Dr. Brogan and other health authorities are so high on magnesium! The many health benefits of magnesium will amaze you.

A growing body of medical evidence shows that magnesium can:

1. Treat and prevent muscle cramps



Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night by a burning pain in your legs or feet?

Do frequent muscle cramps prevent you from enjoying some of your favorite activities?

According to many leading medical experts, magnesium deficiency is the major hidden cause of muscle cramps throughout the entire body. [24]

Studies suggest that bringing magnesium levels back into proper balance can effectively treat and prevent painful muscle cramps. [25]

2. Relieve PMS symptoms


Magnesium is a “must-have” mineral for women suffering from PMS symptoms, including premenstrual migraines, irritability, fatigue, and cramps. [26]

In one study, a group of women aged 18 to 45 with a regular menstrual cycle were given a 250mg dose of magnesium daily for three months.

At the end of those three months, one in three of the women who participated in the study experienced relief from PMS symptoms thanks to supplementing with magnesium. [27]

3. Prevent the formation of gallstones in men


Magnesium has some male-specific health benefits, as well.

Magnesium deficiency is known to cause dyslipidemia (an elevation of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, or both) and insulin hypersecretion, which can lead to the formation of gallstones in men.

A cohort study of the magnesium consumption of 42,705 U.S. men between the years 1986 and 2002 unearthed some incredible evidence for any man concerned about his risk of forming gallstones.

Let me quote directly from the study abstract:

“Our studies suggest a protective role of magnesium consumption in the prevention of symptomatic gallstone disease among men.” [28]

4. Offer rapid recovery from major depression



Major depression is a mood disorder characterized by a sense of sadness, despondency, pessimism, and decreased activity.

Sadly, it’s a not uncommon health issue in our day and age, and a number of experts believe magnesium deficiency may be partly (or even largely) to blame.

Encouragingly, a dose of magnesium as small as 125-300 mg has proven to provide rapid recovery from major depression, perhaps because of the way magnesium influences brain activity and optimal thyroid function – an underactive thyroid is a documented cause of depression. [29, 30]

5. Soothe fibromyalgia and chronic pain


Magnesium deficiency is common in patients with fibromyalgia [31], so can supplementing with magnesium help to ease the discomfort of this painful disease?

Medical research suggests that the answer to that question is a resounding “YES!

A study recently published in Rheumatology International investigated the relationship between magnesium levels and fibromyalgia symptoms. [32]

In this study, 60 premenopausal women diagnosed with fibromyalgia were matched with 20 healthy women whose age and weight was similar to their own. These 80 women were then divided into three groups – one of which received 300 mg of magnesium daily.

After 8 weeks of treatment, the women who had fibromyalgia and received a magnesium supplement reported significantly less back pain and intensity of their fibromyalgia symptoms than when they started the 8 week program.

6. Improve heart health


If you want a healthy ticker, then you should make getting more magnesium into your diet a top priority.

In a review of randomized control clinical trial literature, researchers discovered a relationship between dietary magnesium and a lower risk of coronary heart disease in men. [33]

A separate study of 1,160 patients showed that a dosage of 300 mg of magnesium daily produced “very good results” for people suffering from heart arrhythmia. [34]

7. Contribute to a longer, healthier life



And how’s this to close out our list of amazing health benefits of magnesium:

Magnesium will help you live longer.

According to a study conducted at the University of Southern California and published in The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, a magnesium deficiency makes you twice as likely to die as other people. [35]

At this point, you’re probably eager to learn about ways to up your daily intake of magnesium.

After all, you’ve discovered:

  • As much as 80% of the U.S. population likely suffers from magnesium deficiency…
  • Magnesium deficiency has been linked to diseases and disorders like high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, migraine headaches, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis, as well as early mortality…
  • How magnesium can help to treat and prevent muscle cramps, offer rapid recovery from major depression, improve heart health, relieve PMS symptoms, soothe fibromyalgia and chronic pain, and more amazing health benefits…

Let’s look now at how you can up your intake of magnesium so you don’t miss out on any of its amazing health benefits.

Natural Sources Of Magnesium

Earlier in this report you learned that modern farming methods have stripped the soil of a large percentage of its native mineral concentrations – what scientists refer to as the “dilution effect”.

This dilution effect in turn causes the fruits and veggies you picked up at the grocery store last week to be less nutritious than the produce your grandparents ate when they were young. [36]


While it’s truly unfortunate that the fruits and vegetables we eat today aren’t nearly as nutritious as they could be, that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a place on your table.

They do!

And a number of fruits and vegetables will provide you with a decent source of magnesium.

These include:

  • Dark leafy greens like spinach and Swiss chard
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Almonds
  • Avocados
  • Black beans
  • Figs

Unfortunately, if you show symptoms of magnesium deficiency or if you simply want to take full advantage of the many health benefits offered by this miracle mineral, eating magnesium-rich foods alone probably isn’t enough.

Here’s noted magnesium expert Dr. Carolyn Dean MD, ND once more:

“Magnesium is farmed out of the soil much more than calcium. A hundred years ago, we would get maybe 500 milligrams of magnesium in an ordinary diet. Now we’re lucky to get 200 milligrams. People do need to supplement with magnesium.” [37]

I agree with Dr. Dean that we all need to supplement with magnesium.


Because you’re unlikely to receive all of the magnesium you need from your diet, the obvious question is:

Which Magnesium Supplement Is Right For You?

This question is actually easier to answer than you may realize.

You see, even though there are a number of magnesium supplements on the market (and a couple of varieties offer impressive benefits) the majority come with serious drawbacks.

Let’s have a look:

Magnesium oxide and hydroxide

This is perhaps the most common variety of magnesium supplements available. You may be familiar with it as one of the active ingredients in Milk of Magnesia.

Multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical and supplement companies love magnesium oxide and hydroxide because it’s dirt cheap. Unfortunately, dirt may be a better source of magnesium.


Because magnesium oxide and hydroxide is very poorly absorbed and is also highly laxative. [38]

Magnesium citrate

Although magnesium citrate is better absorbed than magnesium oxide and hydroxide, it’s even more laxative.

If you’ve ever had a colonoscopy, magnesium citrate is what most doctors recommend to flush out your bowels in the days leading up to your procedure. [39]

While the laxative properties of magnesium citrate may be great if you’re trying to cleanse your colon, it’s definitely not something you’d want to deal with on a daily basis.

Magnesium sulfate

You’ve probably purchased it as Epsom Salt.

Magnesium sulfate is great for soaking but is far too laxative to take as a daily supplement.

Magnesium chloride

Very well-absorbed, but along with magnesium oxide and citrate is one of the forms of magnesium most commonly reported to cause diarrhea. [40]

Another major drawback of magnesium chloride: Because of its unique chemical structure it turns into liquid when exposed to air, making it prohibitive to deliver as a capsule or tablet.

The only option is to choke down a spoonful of it and brace yourself against the bitter, gag-inducing taste.

As you can see, the majority of magnesium supplements available all come with some unpleasant side effects.

Personally, my family and I use Organixx Magnesium 7.

Organixx Magnesium 7

Other popular forms of magnesium (like the ones mentioned above) don’t naturally exist in food sources and are often made from crushed rock and other inorganic sources.

Organixx Magnesium 7 is different.

How so? Two words: malic acid.

Malic acid is naturally found in tart-tasting fruits like apples, cherries, and grapes.

When it binds to magnesium it becomes magnesium malate – the active ingredient in Organixx Magnesium 7.

So what’s the big deal?

Our magnesium malate formula has a high bioavailability which means more of the magnesium enters your blood circulation when you take it and that means you get to enjoy more of the amazing health benefits of magnesium you’ve discovered in this report.

You can learn more about Organixx Magnesium 7 by clicking here.

Now It’s Your Turn



Whether you choose to get more magnesium through supplementation or by eating more magnesium-rich foods, you’ll be doing your health a lot of good. And since most of us are magnesium deficient, we can’t afford to ignore this issue.

Please share this article with your friends and family by clicking on one of the social icons (Facebook, Pinterest, etc.) below.

Your turn: Why do you think so many of us are magnesium deficient? And what have you done to ensure you get enough magnesium? Share your thoughts with our community in the comments section below!


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  40. Ranade VV, Somberg JC. Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of magnesium after administration of magnesium salts to humans. Am J Ther. 2001 Sep-Oct;8(5):345-57. [PubMed Abstract]


  1. Ino Stokes

    I am so glad to fimnd this article, I have started taking magnesium and it really helps with leg cramps and depression..Thank you

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Thank is great Ino. Keep up the good work!

  2. William Teague

    My wife has been diagnosed with the beginning stages of dementia. I read somewhere magnesium is a help for dementia but no medical proof. Do you have any info on this? Sounds like it wouldn’t hurt anything to try but what kind of dose would she start on? By the way her diagnosis was 6 years ago. Thanks for any help…….bill

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Bill, I would look at Magnesium Threonate for this. It passes the blood brain barrier. Life Extension brand has a good version of that. 🙂 With Dimentia, give her a lot of healthy fats such as our Omega 3 fish oil. These are the building blocks of the brain.


    I was diagnosed with osteoporosis just now in my spine and hips just read the article and I am in my late fifties
    how much magnesium should I take daily I really want to feel better too. Ache a lot too.

    Thank You

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Victoria, we recommend a minimum of 210mg of Magnesium Malate. Which is what isomagnesium is found on perfectorigins.com

  4. Margie

    Hi! My children and I have been going for magnesium infusions for years as we don’t absorb the pills but burn through the magnesium quickly. We don’t go often enough since the only doctor who does this is in NYC and is hard to get to since kids in school etc I think doctor uses magnesium citrate. I recently bought magnesium glycinate 400 mg is this what we should take. We have almost all symptoms on your list! Thanks in advance for replying!

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Margie, Mg Malate is one of my favorite forms and is the form we use for Iso-Mag. It just absorbs so well with the body. Here is where to find it: http://www.perfectorigins.com/iso-magnesium-miracle-1 The other option is doing a magnesium spray where you spray it on your body. Those work well also especially if you aren’t absorbing it.

  5. Johanna Weszely

    I get severe leg cramps and have been taking Slow-Mag. How affective is that?
    Thank you. Johanna

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Johanna, has it been working for you? You should be noticing a difference within the first week for this one. If not, use our Iso-Mag or another form of magnesium.

  6. Martha Knightly

    My Doctor recommended about 800 mg of Magnesium for leg cramps. The only one I have found that does not upset my bowels is Magnesium glycinate. I found one on line but do not understand the dosage. Bottle says 1500mg (300mg of Mg. elemental) So am I taking 1500mg or 300 mg.? I was going to take 1 every other day but now don’t know if I should increase it. Asked the pharmacist where I get my other pills but he said he didn’t know?

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Martha, I would try that dosage and see if it helps. If not, you can double it. My guess is that you’ll notice a difference. As always, check with your doc first.

  7. Carmina

    Hello, I have recently developed numbness, tingling, aches and stabbing pain, swelling in my feet. I do not take any magnesium. I feel that my stomach is bloating and feel I have gained lot of weight with the medication my doctor has prescribed me for the past 6 months now. I did not find any relief so I stopped taking the medication. Do you think that magnesium intake will help me to cure this and where can I buy this and how much do I take. Thanks carmina

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hello Carmina, as always, talk with your health care practitioner before starting a new diet, exercise or supplement plan. As for Magnesium, it could help depending on your health history. I’d start with this:
      Get rid of wheat and dairy for 1 month out of your diet.
      Take Iso-magnesium found here: http://www.perfectorigins.com/iso-magnesium-miracle-1.php
      Hope that helps!

  8. Tina Williams

    Can your body have too much Magnesium?
    If my body does not need more and I take Magnesium what could be the result ?

    Thank you,
    Tina Williams

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Tina, it’s very hard to overdose on magnesium. Almost every isn’t getting enough. People who are at a higher risk of overdosing on Mg, are those with kidney failure. Otherwise, the kidneys do a good job of getting rid of excess.

  9. Lesley

    I can check off 13 on this list. My Dr’s always blow me off by saying I am getting older so I will be having more problems. I have never bought into that way of thinking. How much magnesium should I be taking and how often? I am only 42.

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Leslie, yeah, that is not a good excuse. I’m glad that you don’t buy into that. I would start with the recommended dosage and move up from there.

  10. Dean

    Dr Livingston..I learned of a way to get more magnesium into the body…I take one liter of plain seltzer water, measure out 3 oz and set aside…I measure out 3 oz of Dollar General milk of magnesia ( cheaper than brand name ) ..I carefully pour milk of magnesia slowly into the seltzer bottle, it fizzes…I then add the rest of the seltzer water if it will fit in…cap, shake well, refrigerate overnight…each time you drink an 8 oz glass of water during the day, add a few tablespoons fromm the seltzer bottle…the carbon dioxide undergoes a chemical reaction with the magnesium hydroxide to form magnesium bicarbonite which is very bioavailable to the body…can you please advise on this and give your pros and cons..thank you..Dean

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Dean, this is a good way to get magnesium. Test your Mg levels to make sure that it is working. And make sure that the MOM that you are getting is just Magnesium Hydroxide and purified water. It should have no other additives in it. Keep me posted and thanks for sharing!

  11. Jim

    Good morning,
    I just read through the information on your magnesium and found it very interesting. I have always felt that I may be magnesium deficient,but was scared to use an over the counter because of the laxative effect. I just ordered some of your product and hope that it doesn’t cause stomach upset or digestive upset. I have dealt with IBS for years and do not want to exacerbate the symptoms.

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hey Jim, Magnesium Malate is very gentle on your digestion. That’s why I love this product! As for your IBS, I’d really work on cutting out wheat and dairy from your diet for a few months. I bet you’ll make a lot of progress in getting that inflammation down in your bowels.

  12. Traci McChesney

    What do you think of using magnesium glycinate? How does it compare to your product I so magnesium?

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Traci, the glycinate form is good as well. Has a calming effect on the body. I don’t think it’s as absorbable or as gentle on digestion as malate due to what it is bound to. BUT, different forms work better for different people so if I were you, I’d try different ones! Malate over all seems gentler on people’s digestion which is why I like it.

  13. Annette

    Hello Dr.
    I had bariatric surgery in 2006 and have to watch my vitamin and mineral levels. I am diabetic (not on insulin) and have LipoLymphedma. I take about 1000 mg. of Magnesium Citrate daily because I was told post bariatric patients need extra magneium and to take it in citrate form . I have some of the mag. deficiency symptoms listed. Can I replace my Mag. Citrate for the IsoMagnesium? And how much should I take? Thank you.

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hey Annette! Yes, you can switch citrate for iso mag. It will be easier on your digestion as well. Of course, check with your health care practitioners and if you switch, the ratio should be the same, so 1000 mg.

  14. Toyin

    Hello Dr

    Can you recommend a good magnesium supplement for me. I am currently on Metoprolol(25mg), Fish oil, Garlic oil and Women Multivitamins. I walk for 1 hour daily and since then my blood pressure numbers have improved.


  15. Terry Turner

    I have terrible insomnia and restless legs at night. Would a magnesium supplement help and if so, how much should I take?

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Terry, yes, magnesium would definitely help. Customers really like our Iso-Magnesium product for this. Start with the recommended dosage. Give it a few days. If you don’t have results, add another capsule every couple days up to 6 capsules. (You can add more, but check with your health care practioner first)

  16. Molly

    What about Magnesium Stearate? What is that?

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hey Molly, this is a fantastic question! Basically, Magnesium Stearate is a substance that keeps the powder inside of capsules from clumping. Here is a fantastic article by my colleague Chris Kresser: http://chriskresser.com/harmful-or-harmless-magnesium-stearate/ if you’d like to learn more.

  17. Sandra

    I use migniesium citrate every morning when I wake up so I can go
    Since I been on a protein diet I was very constipated …I just want to know is it dangerous to do this everyday

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hey Sandra, I would cycle this after a few months. Take a month or two off. You don’t want your body to rely and adapt to having Mg Citrate daily. Make sure that you are getting plenty of fiber from leafy greens and drinking lots of water as well. Taking a good omega 3 fish oil also helps with this.

  18. Bob San Soucie

    I agree on magnesium. How do I get the right kind?

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Howdy Bob, I like the Isomag that we sell at Perfect Origins. This is a high quality magnesium malate which is gentle on the stomach and highly absorbable.

  19. Gary J Volosin

    I think u r right>

  20. Irene M

    Dear Dr Charles,

    I am a 47 year old woman, a mother of 3 beautiful childrens ages, 20,17 and 10. Generally my health is good though i sometimes have issues with my lower back. At the moment my problem is my right leg from the hip joint going down to the foot, it feels like i’m cramping and i constantly feel like i have to stretch it. I’ve just come back from vacation and my flight was +-20 hours. I was thinking maybe the pain is coming from the jet lag.
    I would like to know the supplements/vitamins i can take for my well being. I am currently taking some supplements for liver care and I’m almost running out and also I am slightly anemic, so from time to time I take some Iron supplements. Could you please recommend a range I could take. My meals consist mainly of vegetables, beans, organic meats. I do not eat processed foods or fast foods.

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hey Irene, great question. I’m sure the 20 hour flight didn’t help your leg at all. Flying causes your legs to swell because you aren’t moving your lymphatic system which relies on you moving your body around. As for supplements, Iso-Mag, Perfect Balance and Perfect EFA would be a good stack to take together. These can help reduce inflammation in your joints and give you some much needed Magnesium.

  21. Yolanda R Sanchez

    The reason people are magnesium deficient because they are not educated on magnesium .

  22. D


    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      That’s awesome! I’m proud of you!

    • Sheila Whitaker

      Can you recommend a good powder form of magnesium for the ones of us that don’t like swallowing pills

      • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

        Hi Sheila, the brand CALM is a decent one. Too much though and you’ll get diarrhea.

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