5 Chemicals In Water That Will Cause Health Problems

by | Health | 1 comment

full-glass-of-waterYou hear time and time again that if you want to sustain good health, you must make sure that you are drinking enough water on a day to day basis.

However, is the water you’re drinking safe? That might be the next question that you had better ask yourself if you want to end off the potential damage that drinking water could cause to your health.

What most people don’t realize is that often the water they’re consuming is riddled with chemicals that will only put them in harm’s way.

Let’s go over the top five chemicals in water that could lead to health problems developing.



The first of the chemicals to be aware of is fluoride, which while it does have positive benefits such as keeping your teeth clean and looking good, it can also become quite toxic to the body if actually consumed in higher doses.

Fluoride in excess consumption could cause your bones to become very brittle, leading to severe bone problems in time.



Mercury is the next chemical that you need to be very concerned about. If you suffer from a high exposure to this, you could be in for tremors, psychotic reactions, as well as even suicidal tendencies.

Mercury is something to take very serious as if you consume too much, it could become fatal.




When most people hear the word chlorine, they think of the cleaner used in swimming pools however it’s also found in various amounts in water as well.

If you consume higher levels of this particular chemical, it will become toxic to your respiratory system and lead to lung health concerns.



Lead is the next chemical that’s often found in drinking water that you need to make yourself more aware of. Lead is very serious as this metal can cause brain damage to result as well as lead to issues such as blood problems along with disruptions to the nervous system.

This is typically the largest concern when it comes to drinking water and what most people take action to minimize consumption of.

Using filtered tap water is the best way to get around consuming lead.



Finally, arsenic is the last chemical that you need to be concerned about that could potentially be found in your drinking water.

This particular chemical has been used as a deadly poison for a very long time, so as you can imagine, it’s not something that you want to be putting into your body.

But, if you’re drinking regular unfiltered tap water, you may very well may.

So there you have the top chemicals that you need to be more concerned of in your drinking water. While this isn’t an excuse by any means to stop drinking water, it definitely is reason to start taking the type of water you’re drinking into greater consideration.




1 Comment

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