New Moms Are Suffering From Postpartum Hair Loss

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Are You a New Mom Suffering from Postpartum Hair Loss And Wondering What to Do?

Becoming a new mother is an incredible experience full of magical moments and the joy that only motherhood can bring. However, one aspect of postpartum is often not talked about despite having a huge impact on new mothers. 

Although it is not commonly discussed, today we are talking about postpartum hair loss. 

Postpartum hair loss is relatively common for new mothers as their hormones shift after pregnancy. It can be scary to see clumps of hair in your brush or at the bottom of the shower, and you might be wondering why this is happening. 

First, know that you are not alone.

Postpartum hair loss is a common occurrence and affects 40-50% of women (R1).  While this phenomenon might not be talked about as much as it should be, it is experienced by many women just like you.

Luckily some solutions can work with your busy lifestyle as a new mother and there are growing amounts of research to support postpartum hair loss therapies.

While there are not as many options as there should be, removing the stigma around female hair loss is a first step to change that. 

Why it Happens

Hormones tend to play the most significant role in postpartum hair loss.

Some women might notice that they have luscious flowing locks of hair while pregnant, but then their hair begins to fall out after giving birth.

So what gives? 

When a woman is pregnant, her hair remains in the growth phase.

However, once your estrogen levels begin to change, you might notice a drastic reduction in the thickness of your hair (R2).

This change in hormones moves your hair out of the growing phase and causes hair thinning and loss. For some women, their hair will return to normal, but for others, their hair loss might need a little extra support to return to normal. 

It is important to note that postpartum hair loss can also be connected to medical issues such as hypothyroidism or anemia, so if you are concerned, you should reach seek guidance from a healthcare professional. However, if no health issues have been found, there are several ways to encourage your hair to grow again. 

The Stigma is Dangerous

Often we hear about male baldness or hair loss, but it is atypical to hear about postpartum hair loss.

Why does the stigma exist around female hair loss?

Most women find themselves with little to no resources and no one to talk to when they begin experiencing postpartum hair loss.

First off, we must bring recognition and conversation around this issue so that more solutions can be found to help. There is a certain level of embarrassment around hair loss, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

There are several alternatives to grow back your hair, on your schedule. 

Solutions Exist

Finding safe and effective solutions for hair loss is challenging.

However, there are discreet, medication-free solutions for thinning hair in women. It doesn’t have to be another stressor in the already hectic life of a new mother. 

While waiting for your hormones to regulate and allowing for time and patience is the first solution, there are a few other helpful alternatives that can speed up the process and support your hair regrowth.

Focusing on nutrition, keeping away from heat styling, taking vitamins, using low-level laser therapy (LLLT), and even using volumizing shampoos can make a huge difference in hair loss.


First and foremost, it is imperative to nourish your body.

It is easy to forget to eat or not get enough nutrition because you’re more focused on the needs of your new baby.

Try meal prepping or have a family member help you prepare food to ensure that you were getting all the nutrients you need to heal.

Some foods that are proven to improve hair health are; eggs, berries, fatty fish, avocados, sweet potatoes, and beans.

Try to ensure that your plates are colorful and full of lots of healthy and wholesome foods.


It’s a great idea to continue your prenatal, especially if you’re breastfeeding.

You can also find supplements that are formulated for new mothers and support healthy hormones and lactation. Ensuring that you have the right nutrients to help any deficiencies you might have in your diet is a great way to promote your hair growth.

Some essential vitamins and minerals to consider adding are vitamin E, C, and vitamin B-complex. These vitamins work together to encourage hair health and energy metabolism.

Most prenatal’s already have these vitamins in them, so just double-check the label. You can always ask your doctor if you need these vitamins separately. 


Let’s be honest.

Having the time to style your hair right now might seem like a luxury, but stay away from heat styling if possible. If you want to focus on keeping your hair healthy, avoid heat as it can damage your hair, and increase hair loss.

Allowing your hair to air dry or only using a straightening iron once every few days is your best bet to ensure the health of the hair you already have. 

Volumizing Shampoo: 

Volumizing shampoos are a great way to cleanse your hair and increase it’s thickness gently. 

These shampoos promote healthy hair and work to add thickness and volume; 


Low-level laser therapy is a non-invasive way to support restoring hair loss. This method uses medical-grade lasers are clinically proven to encourage cell growth in the scalp safely and effectively.

This is a discreet way to regrow your hair without worrying about any side effects.

Typically, if you are breastfeeding, it’s best to stay away from any supplements that haven’t been approved by your doctor. Low-level laser therapy is a great way to grow your hair without worrying about any disturbances in your milk supply. 

The FDA clears low-level laser therapy, so you can trust that the proper research and effectiveness have been well documented and tested.  Low-level laser therapy is incredibly discreet and requires 30 minutes of your time, a few days a week.

This is the perfect option for a new mother who doesn’t have the time to dedicate to extensive hair growth therapies and you can use a device like the one illumiflow provides.

De-stressing from Motherhood

Becoming a new mother is both beautiful and challenging.

While you are dealing with several changes to your body and also adapting to a new life with your baby, hair loss shouldn’t add more stress. Thankfully there are several ways to encourage your hair to grow, and in the meantime, you have a little bundle of joy to keep you busy.

Hopefully, you found these resources to be helpful. The first step we must take as women is acknowledging and opening up the dialogue around postpartum hair loss and removing the stigma. 






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