How To Use A Food Journal To DOUBLE Weight Loss

by | Weight Loss | 6 comments


How would you like to DOUBLE your weight loss results with a dead-simple strategy that takes just minutes a day?

Sounds too good to be true, right?  

Well, I wouldn’t blame you for raising a skeptical eyebrow, but from one skeptic to another I urge you to read on.

Because this research-backed weight loss method has already worked for tens of thousands of people and it will work for you too.

Simple Strategy DOUBLES Weight Loss

Here’s the science:

In 2008, the National Institutes of Health funded a unique weight loss study. [1]

In this study, 1,700 overweight adults were asked to follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and exercise at moderate intensity (imagine a walk around your neighborhood) for 30 minutes per day.

Some of the participants were also asked to keep a food journal that simply documented what they ate each day.

After six months, the average weight loss among the 1,700 participants was approximately 13 pounds.

But get this:

The participants who kept a food journal lost TWICE as much weight as those who didn’t!

Here’s Dr. Jack Hollis, lead author of this study:

Those who kept daily food records lost twice as much weight as those who kept no records. It seems that the simple act of writing down what you eat encourages people to consume fewer calories.

Keeping a food journal does not need to be complicated.

The simpler, the better.

You can jot down what you eat in a pocket sized notebook. On Post-It notes. Or even in emails to yourself.

Doing this will help you become aware of your eating habits. You’ll quickly see what, how much and why you’re eating. And this will dramatically decrease the mindless munching that leads to weight gain.

A food journal will also help you spot areas where simple changes can shed pounds.

For example, you might not realize how many calories you’re getting from sugary drinks or afternoon snacks, and this can reveal small changes that lead to BIG weight loss results.

I urge you to start your food journal today.

There’s no better time to get started than right now! And to help you start (and stick with) your food journal here are 4 helpful tips:

Food Journaling In 4 Easy Steps

1. Begin With The Win In Mind


It’s only natural that we’d rather spend time doing those things we enjoy and put off doing those things we dislike.

That’s why it’s easier to curl up with our Netflix queue than it is to get housework finished!

When you start your food journal think of how it will help you reach your weight loss goals.

Imagine yourself slim, trim and healthy. Get excited! This excitement will tell your brain “Hey, keeping a food journal is fun and useful. Let’s stick with it.”

2. Give Yourself A Clear Goal

As you keep your food journal certain patterns will begin to emerge.

You might notice that you’re eating very few vegetables throughout the week; or, that you have a tendency to nosh on chips, cookies or other snacks in mid-afternoon.

As these patterns emerge, give yourself clearly defined goals based on the data.

For example, you could choose to add one serving of raw vegetables at dinner and lunch every day; or, you could bring a cup of almonds with you to work to help keep afternoon cravings in check.

3. Give Context To Your Food


We have an obvious physical need for food, but eating is also a powerfully emotional experience.

In addition to documenting what you eat, give context to your food.

Note how you feel when you eat (i.e. “stressful meeting this morning, ate a pan of brownies when I got home”), what time you eat and other relevant details about your day.

This detailed picture will engage your curiosity and give you useful context for managing your food and eating behavior in the future.

4. No Shame, No Blame

Does your food journal reveal some unhealthy eating habits?

Are french fries your main vegetable source? Is red wine your daily fruit serving? Don’t beat yourself up over it.

The point of a food journal is NOT to fill you with shame and self-loathing. Guard yourself against those emotions if you feel them creeping over you.

Your food journal is simply a way to give yourself a clear, objective and non-judgmental look at how you’re eating right now, so you can make choices that are better aligned with your health and weight loss goals.

Listen: You can’t shame a single pound off your body. Love who you are today and act upon the data in your food journal to improve yourself in the days and weeks ahead.

Now It’s Your Turn

We can’t manage what we don’t measure.

A food journal is a simple and effective way to measure how, when and what you eat so you can better manage your diet.

Related content: How a 50-something mother of two shed 90 pounds of ugly fat and avoided a heart attack

I’m convinced that a food journal like the one we’ve discussed in this article is one of the very best ways to regain control of your health.

I wish more people were aware of and practiced this technique. If you’d like to help me spread the word, please click on one of the social share icons (Facebook, Google+, etc.) at the bottom of this page.

Your turn: Have you kept a food journal in the past? Or are you planning to keep one now? Let us know in the comments section below!

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  1. Jenny W.

    I too am on a fixed income , disability income. I just got my product in the mail today. I’m starting tomorrow on my weight loss journey. Being disabled though will affect how I’m able to exercise. I plan to try using videos on YouTube to walk indoors for 10 minutes , 3 times a day. I’m also going to be following the Weight Watchers diet plan. I really hope this product will help me to lose weight like you claim.

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Welcome to the family Jenny! Please use us. We are here to help and answer your questions. Feel free to call anytime. This isn’t a miracle pill, it is designed to supplement a good diet and exercise program. Livlean Formula #1 provides building blocks that your body can assimilate and use to repair and support your liver which is one of your fat burning organs. The key is consistency. Stay consistent on your diet and exercise. Do what you can if you are disabled. even if it’s just walking indoors. You can do this. If you get stuck, reach out!

  2. Nichole

    It did not work for me. I still have high liver enzymes and don’t drink, smoke or use drugs. I am a previous Miss Fitness USA competitor and 20 time marathon runner. I am very educated on health and fitness. All my other blood work is in great shape and I take no prescription drugs. I have tried many, many products for my liver enzymes and nothing seems to work. I even try naturals like drinking beet juice and fresh organic lemon juice and inner leaf aloe juice.

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hey Nichole, so sorry to hear that. It sounds like the issue isn’t just your liver. It sounds like the liver enzymes are merely a symptom of something else. It could be coming from your kidneys. I’d try addressing those and see if that helps. Marathon running is very hard on the body. And of course, so are fitness competitions 🙂 Those things wreak havoc on your poor kidneys. Congrats on your success. That is admirable!

  3. Ronda Edwards

    Please quit trying. To sell me more of your products. I have LivLean, and want to lose weight by eating better. Please send only tips regarding this as I try to incorporate each one a little bit at a time. As you said in the beginning you can’t change overnight . I resent that at the end of each of your presentations I get “a chance” to get a great deal by spending more money on your products. This is very disappointing and not at all encouraging. I am a retired person on a fixed income, and cannot afford $60-70 a pop . Thank you for listening, Ronda

    • Dr. Charles Livingston D.C.

      Hi Ronda, I understand where you are coming from, but I would be doing a disservice to many if I did not give plenty of opportunity to purchase our supplements. We spend alot of time researching and creating these and I believe that they are some of the best. We offer plenty of advice for eating, exercising, mindset, anti-aging, etc that isn’t related to supplement. I also understand you are on a fixed income so we do try to offer sales periodically where you can save money. Believe it or not, I do care about your well being and your pocketbook and I really want you to live a natural, healthy lifestyle! Stay consistent on taking Livlean! It’s one of my most favorite products and we’ve seen lots of results!