You know not to gobble 12 donuts in one sitting, but do you understand the deeper intricacies of sugar and its effects on your body? High blood sugar, which occurs when your body can’t properly transport sugar from your blood into your cells, is a serious health...
Constipated. You’ve probably heard parents say that a baby’s cry isn’t just a loud noise, but a way for the baby communicate her specific needs. After all, a newborn baby can’t use words to express her hunger or fear. Even though you’re not an infant, your...
The best time of day to take probiotics. Do you suffer from uncomfortable gas and bloating? Are you constantly exhausted or craving sugar and carbs? Do you feel surrounded by a cloud of depression and anxiety on a daily basis? If so, you could be coping with just a...
Picture this crazy scene: Two foreign armies – some 100 trillion soldiers strong between them – set up camp deep inside your body. These tiny, microscopic soldiers are waging a war and your gastrointestinal tract is the battlefield. There are good guys and bad guys in...
How to Improve Colon Health. You know the feeling all too well, that bubbling in your stomach signals an unwanted digestive issue, or the pressure of bloating that just won’t go away. We all deal with digestive discomfort from time to time, but if constipation,...